
Akash Joshi

Project Coordinator


CURRENT: Project Coordinator at E2M

EDUCATION: Master of Computer Applications  


About me

It's your favorite project coordinator and gamer, Akash! When I'm not crushing deadlines, you can usually find me watching superhero movies, battling virtual villains, or writing hilarious blog posts.

Speaking of my writing, I've been known to make even the most boring project management tips sound like they were written by Deadpool himself. And don't even get me started on my sarcasm skills. I can roast someone faster than The Flash can run a mile.

But let's talk about my gaming skills for a second. I've saved more virtual worlds than I can count, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only project coordinator who can take down a boss while simultaneously leading a team meeting.

Oh, and did I mention my charm? I've got more charisma than Tony Stark and more wit than Batman. I can smooth talk my way out of any sticky situation, even when it feels like the universe is against me.

So if you're in the mood for some laughter, some gaming tips, or some project management advice, head over to my blog. I promise it'll be more entertaining than a battle between Batman and Superman (sorry, Superman).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt nulla tortor, a imperdiet enim tristique nec. Nulla lobortis leo eget metus dapibus sodales. Sed placerat vitae dui vitae vehicula. Quisque in tincidunt ligula, nec dignissim arcu. Praesent aliquam velit vel libero dictum, non sollicitudin lectus mollis. Morbi sollicitudin auctor gravida. Vivamus vitae dui non lorem euismod pretium. Morbi congue sem sed ex iaculis, nec mattis felis pretium. Nullam molestie libero id odio blandit sodales. Suspendisse non mauris et felis molestie placerat aliquet a risus. Aliquam ac leo tempus, hendrerit eros mollis, gravida est. Proin euismod ipsum a tellus condimentum dapibus. Integer porttitor felis elit, eget rutrum ligula commodo quis. Praesent ultricies neque eu mi congue blandit. Nulla feugiat feugiat aliquet. Morbi sed mattis erat. Nullam scelerisque molestie eros, id tristique felis iaculis non. Duis pellentesque neque eget iaculis varius. Donec at nisl semper, aliquam est id, tincidunt lacus. Donec at erat purus. Morbi tincidunt nunc non diam porta, at fermentum orci bibendum. Donec arcu nisi, ornare nec commodo vitae, sollicitudin sed magna. Cras sit amet justo et nulla pulvinar laoreet. Phasellus scelerisque, metus id posuere vulputate, diam tellus iaculis sapien, eget scelerisque ipsum libero convallis velit. Duis lorem ligula, faucibus quis tellus nec, fringilla ultricies leo. Etiam tempus congue magna. Suspendisse porta dictum tortor, eu volutpat ipsum eleifend nec. Aliquam dapibus lorem luctus, cursus libero imperdiet, mattis nunc. Sed in ipsum diam. Quisque efficitur metus purus, vitae fermentum lacus venenatis id.


FromJuly 2024ToPresent

(Currently working)


Project Coordinator

As the first point of contact for clients, Project Coordinators play a vital role in ensuring smooth communication and task management.

  • Collect project and task requirements from clients through out task management tool or their preferred project management tool.
  • Acknowledge clients about new tasks and projects, confirming the receipt of the work.
  • Request necessary information from clients in advance to perform tasks efficiently.
  • For new website build projects, prepare a project coding brief and timeline for the internal development team and inform clients about delivery expectations.
  • Have a clear understanding of tasks and projects, avoiding assumptions, and seeking clarifications when needed.
  • Minimize back-and-forth with clients once requirements are clear, ensuring tasks are error-free.
  • Organize projects and tasks, breaking down larger tasks into smaller modules for efficient handling.
  • Provide relevant information to the team, explain tasks, and monitor task priorities daily.
  • Update clients daily on work progress and ensure completed work is error-checked before delivery.
  • Request time estimates from the team for each task and assign developer cards based on the agency's plan.
  • Ensure tasks and projects are completed within the defined time frame.
  • Assign tasks to respective team members and involve PMs early in case of conflicts.
  • Support Project Managers and Account Manager in performing their duties.
  • Schedule virtual meetings with clients to discuss larger projects or tasks.
  • Provide timely feedback for team members performing below expectations to HR and the head of operations.

FromNov 2019ToJune 2024


Project Coordinator

As the first point of contact for clients, Project Coordinators play a vital role in ensuring smooth communication and task management.

  • Collect project and task requirements from clients through out task management tool or their preferred project management tool.
  • Acknowledge clients about new tasks and projects, confirming the receipt of the work.
  • Request necessary information from clients in advance to perform tasks efficiently.
  • For new website build projects, prepare a project coding brief and timeline for the internal development team and inform clients about delivery expectations.
  • Have a clear understanding of tasks and projects, avoiding assumptions, and seeking clarifications when needed.
  • Minimize back-and-forth with clients once requirements are clear, ensuring tasks are error-free.
  • Organize projects and tasks, breaking down larger tasks into smaller modules for efficient handling.
  • Provide relevant information to the team, explain tasks, and monitor task priorities daily.
  • Update clients daily on work progress and ensure completed work is error-checked before delivery.
  • Request time estimates from the team for each task and assign developer cards based on the agency's plan.
  • Ensure tasks and projects are completed within the defined time frame.
  • Assign tasks to respective team members and involve PMs early in case of conflicts.
  • Support Project Managers and Account Manager in performing their duties.
  • Schedule virtual meetings with clients to discuss larger projects or tasks.
  • Provide timely feedback for team members performing below expectations to HR and the head of operations.

FromAug 2016ToMay 2019


Kreative KodeMumbai

Senior WordPress Developer

When I Joined Kreative Kode I was the only developer working with wordpress. Here I got to execute projects from starting to end. Once the requirement was clear I use to develop websites. After some time I was introduced to clients and then I started to communicate with client regarding projects and updated. I started to get with client call for gathering requirements and based on those I started creating webite. After some time I got to work as a team lead and was handeling a team of 5 developers under me.

FromJan 2016ToJul 2016


Creart SolutionsAhmedabad

Junior WordPress Developer

After college I was placed in this company. After joining here I was trained for wordpress and after that I started wokring with wordpress. I was working under a senior developer who had me understand how wordpress works and what are the possibilities with wordpress.


Skills & language

Start up



My Blog